Studio Series - Flower Garden Video

I've been busy creating a new body of work for a new series called 'Flower Gardens'. Whilst painting I take photos to document the process for myself and also to share online, I find it useful to try and see it with fresh eyes, and seeing it through a lens can achieve this new perspective.  

Each painting becomes a journey, as I work intuitively I never know where its going to end up, once finished I look back and see all the different layers, marks and colours interact and sometimes I think,'I did'nt do that',  it sometimes feels unconscious.  I get into a flow state where hours pass by where I  am mixing and painting colours, responding to the previous marks on canvas. Once I step back I see the new layer unfold, the painting grows before my eyes. I've been wanting to try and document this journey and filming is a way to achieve this. I am working out how to do this without it being intrusive to the creating.

So for now I have been documenting parts of the creative process, here is my first video showing more of the process of how the colour studies, flower studies and painting on canvas all build up to the final piece. Its a start and theres a lot to improve on, but I'm excited to video more of my inspirations and process in the studio in a way for me to learn more, and to share more with you about my practise.

If you want to be notified about new work, and more about my process and upcoming events, you can subscribe to my art newsletter, which  I send out about once or twice  a month, if you're interested you can subscribe here...



Nature and the mind


Studio Practise