Laura Gee Art Workshop - Refinery 29 x Adidas

I was thrilled to be asked by Refinery 29 UK to host an art workshop as a post run event in collaboration with Adidas at their London studio for women in London.  Refinery29 is an inspiring and empowering online platform for women who want to have thought provoking conversations and inspiration to live a more creative life. I decided to create a workshop using the techniques I use to create my abstract flower garden paintings.

It was an honour to be able to talk about how nature inspires my art, why I love abstract painting and the different techniques I use, which then about 40 women got to try out for themselves!  It was a great evening and some beautiful results using the different painting techniques Here are some photographs of the Abstract Flower Art workshop.


This Week By The River


So Excited to announce my work is now at....