Mediative Drawings


Drawing is thinking in a visual form, it is a way of slowing down, observing and bringing a quiet contemplation and attention to the present moment in time, in doing it can so produce a calm engagement with the world.


In between painting on canvas, whilst new layers dry; I have been quietly drawing on paper using watercolour, as a way to slow down and some quiet contemplation. 

 These drawings reflect my recent interest that observing and spending time in nature can affect our well-being positively, resulting in a enhanced sense of calm and reduce anxiety. It is these healing and positive feelings I have tapped into whilst on nature and whilst drawing.

When drawing these organic, botanical shapes repeatedly they work as mediative quiet watercolour drawings, with the intention to enhance well being and provide a sense of peace and calm. Observing natural forms helps alleviate stress wether in nature or on paper.

I shall be releasing a small collection of these drawings, to be notified on new art and to stay up to date with upcoming exhibitions and events you can sign up to the studio newsletter below. 


Artfully Walls x Laura Gee


This week... Nature and Well Being