Imperial Health - St Mary's Hospital Mental Health Unit Commission

I was delighted to be commissioned by Imperial Health to create a series of art installations for the new mental health unit at St Marys Hospital.

‘The Lighthouse’ is a new mental health assessment centre at St Mary's Hospital, providing patients who require emergency care for their mental health a more immediate therapeutic environment to be seen by professionals.


Working together with staff in the unit, Imperial Health Charity selected myself for this commission as they knew my work would produce a harmonious, sensitive collection of artworks to enhance the environment.

This was a large projects taking a few months, from creating designs in every room, mock up of placement of artwork, prints, vinyls. Then I created the original paintings and working with designers, translated my original paintings into hospital grade vinyl and finally installed in the unit for the patients and staff to enjoy.

Here are a couple of images - I shall share more of the process and finished results in another journal post.


Charity Exhibition - Down The Garden Path - UCLH


Penguin Book Covers - Katherine Mansfield - Wild Places & All Sorts Of Lives