So I can give you a great online workshop experience, please fill in the below short quiz. Thank you so much, Laura :) Subject Name you can keep this anonymous or add your name First Name Last Name Email you can keep this anonymous or add your email Have you attended a Laura Gee art workshop before? * yes no If yes, what would you like to learn more of in the workshop/ next workshop What level workshop would you ideally attend? Beginnner / intro course Intermediate Advanced all 3 what do you find most diffcult / worry about attending an online art workshop? Ideal total video content of one online workshop 15min 30min 1 hour 1 hr+ what price would you pay for an online painting class £19-£25 £25-£30 £30-£40 £40-£50 £50-£60 Which online workshop would you be interested in attending? (you can choose more than 1 ) Loose floral drawing Abstract Joyful Floral Painting Loose floral bouquet painting Pure Abstract Expressive painting Abstract Landscape Painting Mindful painting How to create a series of work Is Anything in particular you'd like to learn about my process? would you prefer.... a one off online workshop a short series of workshops on the same theme an online art course/ package (multiple classes) Visual learning aids - would you prefer Just video Video & text PDF Just text PDF would you be interested in a course? yes please no - just single workshops what price would you pay for an online art course (mutilple classes) under £60 £60-£75 £75-£100 £150-£195 £195-£250 £250 + any other notes? Thank you SO much! Look out for upcoming online workshops!